The band Roses For Jack, hails from Sydney and is made up of Ariane Campbell, John Romeo, Rob Di Marzo and Tim Sampson.
There’s a lot of love for women coming through in these tracks.
Roses For Jack is the new rock band that will keep you listening.
The band is influenced by Australian rock’n’roll outfits like AC/DC and Cold Chisel as well as by American rock bands Guns n Roses and Aerosmith.
Now, the band is working on their debut record, rehearsing new songs for their upcoming shows, the kiss that inspired a song and preparing to be featured at the Australian Independent Music Awards.
We caught up with lead singer Ariane to discuss Roses For Jack a bit more.
Can you give a brief history of Roses For Jack and how the band came together?
When I returned to Sydney from New York, I took some of my songs to a producer here who suggested that I meet the boys, as they are all really into rock n roll. We clicked immediately. My drummer and I went off to record two tracks with Jeff Martin (The Tea Party), then we all went into rehearsal with a bunch of songs I’d written; loved it; played live together; loved that; and the rest is history!
The name Roses For Jack comes from the fact that I love putting roses in an empty Jack Daniels bottle which I use as a vase at my apartment. I also have a joke about trading roses for whiskey with one of my closest friends, so it suits!
How would you describe the sound Roses For Jack has?
Upbeat, intriguing, driving, rock n roll. Think: Divinyls, AC/DC, The Superjesus, Joan Jett.
What creative process goes into creating the music you play?
It’s often a rhythm of words, poetry, or a particularly powerful mood that will inspire me to write a song. Recently, Melissa Barrett’s paintings at Riverhouse Studios evoked some sonic ideas as well as Jeff (Martin)’s library. Playing live is always a great way to discover what kicks. After Sarah McLeod saw us at Frankie’s, she offered up some inspired insight and brilliant ideas which fuelled new avenues for songwriting, production and creation. Often, I’ll get a melody that will wake me from sleep and have me reaching for my guitar to record it and that’s the first seed… Love… Ah, love, in its many shapes and shadows often sparks the creative process.
Does your music carry any specific messages for listeners?
Well there’s a lot of love for women coming through in these tracks that’s for sure!
“Magician’s Kiss” kicks off with “She’s the one she is/ Know exactly what this is/ She’s the one you miss/ She’s the sweet Magician’s Kiss”. Women are spell-casting, delicious, and magnificent. They’re also surprising- I was blindsided by the most powerful kiss and that gave us “Stolen Hearts”. I love singing for women and about women. Women are to be loved, appreciated and celebrated; listeners will hear that coming through 100%. There’s a seize the day element to these songs too, a kind of one life to lead vibe… I inherently believe in taking your shot, being in the moment, completely invested, and having the courage to hold fast to whatever you believe in. “Once Broke” really lays that on the line.

What really motivates you to perform?
I love it. Playing live music is the most powerful expression of words and sound and movement. Music makes rooms buzz and throb and come to life, it makes everyone’s heart beat a little faster, a little louder. There’s the incredible connection and electricity between the audience and the artist… I adore the storytelling element, which is one of the oldest and most profound forms of communication, and the art… The openhearted, brave, strong, vulnerable, artistry of performance. That motivates me. Wholeheartedly.
What goes into preparing for being featured at the Australian Independent Music Awards?
Dedicated hours writing songs, rehearsing, recording and playing live! Having the support of MusicOz who present the Awards. Many sleeps visualising playing the Enmore Theatre!
What can be expected from the audience at one of your shows?
Our audience can expect sexy, thumping, fun- loving, honest, rock n roll. Our set up is two guitars, bass and drums like the Baby Animals and The Superjesus. We’ve been told we’re like the “love children of Divinyls and AC/DC,” which has to be a compliment!
Can you talk a bit about the new record the band is working on?
We’re working on our first record! Exciting times!
Currently six tracks into the writing process and on a roll with producer extraordinaire, Sarah McLeod (The Superjesus). Sarah and I kicked out four songs in four days last week, with a tonne of inspiration, drive and next to no sleep! Loving the process.
The songs are sounding great and the album is taking shape in true rock n roll fashion. We’re hitting hard and fast with this record, from the heart and with a wicked sense of humour. Can’t wait to share the new tracks! We’ll be hitting them live at our upcoming gigs: