Watch: Sick of Sarah’s Lucky Dog Leather Photo Shoot

Leather and lesbians, two of our favorite things came together for a photo shoot featuring Sick of Sarah rockers Abisha Uhl and Jamie Holm in Lucky Dog leather accessories. Check out tje behind the video!

Leather and lesbians, two of our favorite things came together for a photo shoot featuring Sick of Sarah rockers Abisha Uhl and Jamie Holm in Lucky Dog leather accessories. Check out the article below, plus the behind the scenes video of their sexy shoot which premiered today on Bridget McManus Presents: That Time of the Month!


Lesbians and leather—it’s a complicated relationship. Admittedly, leather is not for everyone and we would never suggest you compromise your ethics regarding animal products. But historically leather has been part of the LGBT community’s fashion identity: Rebellious, primal, tough. There’s a case for the environmental advantages of leather over plastics, since pleather and PVC are environmentally damaging materials, having received the seal of toxicity from Greenpeace. “I love animals, and I wouldn’t use their skin frivolously,” says Lucky Dog Leather owner and designer, Lucia Gerbino, who believes that one leather accessory will outlast many non-natural material or petroleum by-product items. But leather is only as green as its supplier’s practices, which is why Gerbino only uses ecologically aware suppliers. At Lucky Dog everything is custom made to order and made to last. Metal and stone are incorporated into many of the designs offering a talismanic appeal, lending strength to the wearer. It’s this mixture of style and eco-conciousness that has made Lucky Dog popular with celesbians and lesbian faves like Abisha Uhl and Jamie Holm of the band Sick of Sarah who rock it out this month sporting Lucky Dog Leather accessories that truly befit the rock ’n’ roll chick. (

