Pride Cookies Are Here!

Tasty treats that put your mouth where your identity is.

Put a little rainbow on your plate this Pride! Colorblind Designz is the premier LGBT online marketplace for Pride Cookies for weddings, 'enGAYgement' celebrations, and coming out parties. If you're entertaining this Pride season, they also make a fun addition to your snack table.

Pride Cookies are handcrafted Oreo cookies drenched in milk or white chocolate, each adorned with fabulous, edible art designs, reflecting several aspects of the gay or LGBT identity. There are cookies for Lipstick Lesbian Pride, Bisexual Pride, Leather Pride, and more!

Yes, we have marriage equality, but this Pride, violence and discrimination and terror are still blatant reminders that the fight for tolerance has not yet been won.

Colorblind Designz proudly supports the LGBT community with a simple reminder of diversity. And it's delicious!

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