Pressing The President

A new web initiative urges Americans to debate LGBT rights online.

The marriage equality movement seems unstoppable in the U.S. these days.

Already, 17 U.S. states and the District of Columbia allow the LGBT community the right to marry.

With the U.S. Supreme Court and states such as Kentucky and Texas acknowledging LGBT rights especially in regards to the right to legally wed, the path to equality and full human rights for the LGBT community is quickly growing.

Gay and lesbians couples are filing lawsuits in different states and challenging the laws that refuse their right to marry.

New blog Press the President is highlighting the national significance of this issue and is looking for input from Americans on both sides of the political aisle to comment.

Even though a recent poll indicated that a slight majority of Americans now approve of marriage equality, the YouTube video “Kids React” demonstrated that this is still an extremely hot button issue for kids and their parents.

Just as this video provides a forum for political opinions, so too Press the President, in the spirit of inclusion, encourages all people to create their own videos.

The goal is to comment on and process the recent legal wins such as the right to marry and other freedoms that heterosexual couples have been able to do for years.