Wiley wasn’t ready for Beyonc©, Kevin McHale talks Brittania

Plus, bell hooks is working on a new book

Samira Wiley doesn’t know whether she wants to be Beyoncé or shag her. We can’t decide either. [twitter] https://twitter.com/samirawiley/status/415362326746103808 Kate McKinnon recently appeared on SNL as Billy Jean King and really knocked it out of the park—or rather, the court (sorry, couldn’t resist). [afterellen] http://www.afterellen.com/watch-now-kate-mckinnon-as-billie-jean-king-on-saturday-night-live/12/2013/?xrs=synd_twitter_ellenIn a recent interview with HuffPo, Kevin McHale of Glee made slight mention of upcoming Brittania moments in Glee’s 100th episode. Don’t let us down . . . [huffington] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/23/glee-100th-kevin-mchale_n_4486383.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000003 The incredible bell hooks dropped the best holiday surprise ever on Twitter the other day, mentioning that she has a new book in the works. Just when you thought presents were over! [twitter] https://twitter.com/bellhooks/status/415669877945286656 New Orleans residents Liz and Nadia have just welcomed quintuplets into their family after nine tries. Watch the news report here. [advocate] http://www.advocate.com/parenting/2013/12/26/meet-lesbian-parents-baby-quintuplets