Be The Change


A human rights anthem for the USA.

“Be The Change” is a new video that premiered on Martin Luther King Day that calls on people to raise their voices collectively to oppose the fear, hate, and bigotry that arose during the election cycle.

Produced by Sue Melke and Barbara Niven the video and song inspire people to stand up against the fear, hatred, and the denial of basic human rights happening in many parts of the USA.  The creators goal is to inspire a grassroots movement to stand together for an America with hope, kindness and equal rights for all.

Martin Luther King Jr. Said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Nothing matters more right now, and silence is not an option.

The song was written by Joerg Kohring and Jess Niven-Kohring to help people be lifted out of despair and into action to create change.

This is not about politics, but about humanity. It is time to awaken the activist inside of all of us. No matter which party you voted for, get involved, hold your politicians accountable or run for office yourself, talk to your neighbors, stop bullying, be a safe place, speak up for climate change, stand up for what you believe in, and teach children to be kind by modeling kindness.

Show the world that Love wins over Hate and that we really ARE stronger together.