Queer Musician Cusi Coyllur Releases Music Video About Domestic Abuse

And she’s about to release a free zine, too.


Trigger Warning: domestic abuse



Musician and mental health activist Cusi Coyllur identifies as feminist and queer, and has released a haunting music video and song about domestic abuse—and how for victims of domestic abuse, it is often not as simple as just deciding to walk away.


Her music video imagines domestic abuse as a shadow that reacts to your every move, and can, therefore, feel like something that it is impossible to escape from. In the end, though, you can get through it.


Check it out here:



On October 2, Coyllur will also be releasing a free zine looking at domestic violence and its effect on women. This is hard stuff, but if we don’t talk about it, we’re contributing to the problem.


Remember that help is always available – if you or someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse, head to http://www.thehotline.org/ for information, advice, and help. 


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