Queer Eye For The Straight Girl

Queer Lady Magician Creatrix Tiara

What happens when you replace the guys in Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, with a bunch of girls?


In celebration of Pride month and another season of Queer Eye, Ladies Eat Free would like to present their recently released short; Queer Eye for the Straight Girl


Check it out below!


Not familiar with Ladies Eat Free?

"Ladies Eat Free is a (mostly) Austin-based sketch comedy group. It's true there is one New York city style lady, but she lived in Austin once and visits all the time. That is really special, and her travel efforts are greatly appreciated. Anyways, this group writes, films, and produces certified LIT Youtube videos. I'm talkin' Brunch Safaris with mimosas that don't stop, The Original (spoof) of The Bachelor(esbian), and interviews galore. It's ok if you're overwhelmed, I am too HOO WEE."


Like what you see? Check out their websitefacebook, and insta.