NOT Breaking with Tradition!

5 Ideas for Incorporating ‘Something Old’ into Your Ceremony”ยจ.

I'm sure we've all heard the old English wedding rhyme that recommends something old, new, blue, and a coin in your shoe to get you through your wedding.  

If you don't know, the rhyme goes a little something like this: 'something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a sixpence in your shoe.'  Where I didn't have anything in my shoes but my own two feet during my wedding, I definitely had something old, new, and blue. 

It's a fun wedding tradition to participate in! Each part of the rhyme has a special meaning and purpose for Your Big Day. 

Something old represents continuity and is meant to link the past to the present.  There are many new takes on this! In with the new, and most definitely do not forget about the old. ๐Ÿ™‚  If you're in need of ideas for your something old, look no further! 


Your  'something old' could be a….

Vintage Wedding Gown/Suit: How fun would it be to go to antique stores to find that perfect vintage wedding gown, suit or tie! It might be a little more challenging to find just the right outfit for the big day, but where's the fun if it's easy?!

Family Book: Read one of your favorite chapters from an old family book on your wedding day, use the book as your guest book for friends and family to write sweet messages in, or simply have the book on display for others to flip through. 

Old Photos: I'm sure your grandmother/grandfather/great grandparents….or heck your own parents would love to have their wedding photos on display at your wedding. You could also throw in some pictures of favorite memories from when you & your partner were little kids. This would be a great way for your guests to see a little of your family history.

Vintage Pocket Watch: I absolutely love pocket watches. It's way more fun to whip out your pocket watch to check the time than it is a cell phone. These can be found at antique stores or maybe your great Uncle Louis had one that has been forgotten about and tucked in the bottom of your mother's t-shirt drawer for ages just waiting for someone to remember that it's there….never hurts to ask. ๐Ÿ™‚

Classic Cocktail: Have some fun and serve a classic cocktail recipe such as an Old Fashioned to your guests during the reception. Yum!  This totally counts as something old! 

On my wedding day, I wore my grandmother's pearls. What will your 'something old' be? has been the trusted wedding resource for the LGBT community since 1999.  Along with the diverse services through their website, the company produces an ongoing national tour of LGBT Wedding Expos.  Additional wedding & parenting related articles are available through the site.


Writer Lauren Stockard is a trendy & creative DIY fanatic, and a 20-something go-getter who recently set out for adventure by moving from the suburbs of Atlanta to the groovy cowgirl scene of Dallas.  She married her truelove two years ago and has since continued to help many friends, straight & gay, polish details of their own fabulous ceremonies.  One of her life goals is to help others laugh out loud… as much as possible.  Lauren is the proud, straight-but-nowhere-near-narrow niece of RainbowWeddingNetwork co-founders, Cindy Sproul & Marianne Puechl.