Love Wins Contest

Writing competition for New Millennium Writings

Many of us feel strongly about the passage of marriage equality in the United States, and many of us have a heartwarming story to share. Now, a new competition for New Millennium Writings (NMW), an award-winning literary journal founded in 1996, and Free2Luv®, an award-winning youth empowerment nonprofit, gives you a chance to share your story and win big bucks.

The “Love Wins” essay competition asks people what the recent SCOTUS decision means to them and their community. The winner will receive $1,000 and publication in the NMW anthology and on their website. The contest runs until August 31st.

The “Love Wins” essay award winner will be chosen by Guest Judge and Free2Luv Celebrity Ambassador, Queer As Folk star and LGBT activistThea Gill. She will choose the top winner from selected finalists, and the award will be announced on October 11th, National Coming Out Day.

Entries into the Love Wins essay competition must be 4,500 words or less. Entries may be submitted at, or mailed to the address listed on the website. The entry fee is $20, and all entrants will receive a copy of NMW’s high-quality anthology.