Is Being Gay A Choice?

Almost 1 in 3 Brits think so, despite scientific evidence and the lyrics of Lady Gaga.

A new YouGov poll has confirmed that a third of British people believe that being homosexual is a choice. This is despite compelling scientific evidence to the contrary and the persuasive lyrics of Lady Gaga.

Half of those surveyed thought people were born gay or lesbian, 17% just didn't know and a small percentage of people (3%) reckoned homosexuality was a direct result of a person's upbringing.

YouGov have broken down the results further, detailing how a respondent's age, gender and political party affected their answers. Surprise, surprise, UKIP-supporting men over the age of 65 are the most likely to think we chose the queer lifestyle, while those under 25 were significantly more likely to believe we were born this way, baby.

YouGov didn't include the breakdown of results according to the respondents' sexual orientation, which is a shame as surely gay people are the most qualified to answer this particular question?

If this news has made you at all depressed, scroll down now to watch Lady Gaga and cheer yourself up.

What do you think? Is being gay a choice?