How The Bisexual is revolutionising TV

Carrie Lyell visits the set of Channel 4’s new show


It’s March, and the Beast From The East is unleashing its chilly wrath on a quiet side street in east London. I’m wearing at least three pairs of socks and my fingers might fall off at any moment, but I’m grinning and bearing it, because just inches from me Desiree Akhavan and Maxine Peake are making eyes at each other over a shiny silver Vespa. Sure, it’s cold, but I’m sucking it up because I’m on the set of Channel 4’s super sexy new comedy The Bisexual, and I’ve definitely had worse days at the office.


My fingers aren’t the only casualty of the cold snap – producer Katie Carpenter tells me the heavy snowfall has being giving the continuity department considerable headaches. But despite the challenges, everyone is upbeat and enthusiastic – thoroughly delighted to be working on such a groundbreaking show. “I basically begged executive producer Naomi De Pear to let me work on this,” Sister Pictures’ Katie tells me as the crew prepare for the next take. “They were just the most exceptional scripts, and also felt like a world that I connected with so strongly.”




Read the rest of this article in the November issue of DIVA, available now at and the links below.


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