Get your lobsters out and nail transphobia!

What’s more important, the trans community or a lobster?


"The answer should be obvious, but this is just one of the many emojis that Unicode (which Facebook, Google and Apple are voting members of) has chosen instead of the trans flag in the last update," states the new claws out campaign page fronted by â€‹trans activist and author​, Charlie Craggs.


claws out temporary tattoos (Please send many to DIVA HQ)


The team behind the claws out campaign are petitioning Unicode (the people who decide which emojis appear on our keyboard) and using the lobster to show just how much a real trans symbol would be used.​


The claws out team modelling Charlie's lobster nail art


"Emojis are a way for the world to connect, and trans people shouldn’t be left out of the conversation," continues the claws out team.


"Unicode granted the lobster emoji proposal, which argued that people suffered ‘frustration and confusion’ at having to use a shrimp or crab emoji instead of a lobster.


"Imagine if that was your gender. Surely we deserve the same rights you have afforded crustaceans?" 





Sign the petition here, and post pictures of lobsters with #ClawsOutForTrans​ (and what better time to get involved than Pride season, eh?)


P.S. In a twist of fate: Lobsters can actually be Gynandromorphs (an organism that contains both male and female characteristics). So we’re going to take it as our symbol, until we get the Trans emoji we deserve.





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