She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry

A documentary that sees strong women unite, resurrect the struggle in women’s rights and shine light on that struggle that continues today.

For decades the LGBT community has been fighting for equality in the United States and around the world.

Before marriage equality became recognized as a civil right we had other movements pertaining to equal rights for all.

Women were once looked upon as sub-human and for over a hundred years women have had to continuously fight for fairness among our male counterparts, and that battle continues on today.

In the documentary She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry directed by Mary Dore, we behold the buried history of the women, Amazons who never backed down, and who paved the way and founded the women’s movement.

She’s Beautiful takes us on a radical journey through the trenches of our fight and struggle in a male-dominated society.

The film spans decades of protests, demonstrations and marches led by those who were willing to make a stand for women’s rights.

Starting from the beginning where ladies weren’t allowed to vote, to the emergence of radical actions of women’s liberation and to the present day struggle for gender equality.

Watch on Apple TV