Coco-Berry Power Smoothie

Do you like smoothies? I love them because they are a quick and delicious way to eat a nutritious breakfast.

However you are much better off making them at home as the smoothies you buy from certain chains use sorbet and fat-free yoghurt that are full of sugar and most likely preservatives too.

Making smoothies at home is quick and easy and the ingredients are fresh, which is always the best! You are really only limited by your imagination and bravery for how many variations you can create. For some of you this recipe may require a bit of the latter as it does have raw eggs in it. Now I am not a fan of that ‘eggy’ taste (I don’t even like runny eggs) so I too needed some bravery to try this for the first time but you can’t really taste the egg and now I am hooked.

The protein and fats from adding eggs and coconut oil keep you full for much longer than a regular fruit or green smoothie. If you are unsure start with 1 egg and progress to 2 when you’re ready. The reason I put raw eggs and coconut oil in it is because, as my trainer has advised me, it provides the perfect combination of protein and good fats that will be quickly digested to aid muscle recovery and help you power on through your morning.

To reap these benefits though you need to drink it within 30 minutes of finishing your workout so prepare it at home and take it with you if you live or work far from your gym.

Happy blending and let me know how you go with the additions of eggs! Or if you have your own variations I would love to know about it!


Serving: 1 1/2 – 2 tall glasses depending on how much liquid is in your coconut.



2 eggs

1 young coconut, opened

1/3 cup frozen blueberries

1/3 cup frozen raspberries

1 tsp cinnamon

2 tbsp coconut oil

1 tbsp ground linseed meal (also known as ground flax-seed)


1 blender (high-speed is best)

1 tall glass for serving



1. Pour coconut water into blender

2.Scoop out 1/2 of the coconut flesh into the blender and add every other ingredient

3. Blend on high for 2-3 minutes or until all ingredients as blended well and smooth.

4. Pour into a tall glass and serve.

You can also add 1 tbsp of raw cacao or try 3/4 frozen banana and 1large handful of lightly sautéed english spinach