Stephanie Berman Talks Total Conception

The lesbian creator of Total Conception gives us the lowdown on this helpful fertility aid.

Affordability and intimacy are two perks that Stephanie Berman’s Total Conception pregnancy kit promises. Catering to lesbian couples this women-owned company provides the essential get-pregnant tools, in a three-month supply. The kit has already had tremendous success among couples—many who had tried almost everything, short of calling in the baby stork. Curve spoke with Berman about what prompted her to create the Total Conception Kit, the goodies in the bag and customer success stories.

What inspired you to create the Total Conception?
In this industry, I realized that there really was nothing that had been designed specifically for the gay and lesbian community. Being that I’m in the community, I felt passionate and that it was very important to try and create something that would make be the conception process easier for couples. What was available was very expensive, there are plenty of couples out there that can’t afford to spend thousands and thousands of dollars trying to have a child—and there was no intimacy involved. You were with doctors and only one partner was really able to be involved in the process. This kit allows involvement from both partners because the partner who’s not carrying can now take part in the insemination process. Couples can almost make it an event—they can make it a private and intimate experience for themselves. So my inspiration was just that. I knew one day I’d want to have children with my partner and I had access to all of these devices that my partner could use and it was just something I felt that the gay and lesbian community could really benefit from.

Explain the kit a little bit more and what comprises it?
It’s sort of like a one-stop shot for conception. It really has everything that I could possibly think of that you would need to try and get pregnant, from ovulation predictors to pregnancy tests to lubricant to collection condoms. One of the technical pieces of the kit includes a cervical cup with a stem, which is a great technology for when you’re doing an insemination. Also our kit has intracervical catheters, which gets the sperm as close to the cervix as possible. And it has syringes, and a speculum. Soup to nuts, it has everything you’d need for home insemination. This is like replacing the old-fashioned turkey baser method.

How long does each supply last? Can couples buy smaller, “sampler” versions?
It’s a three-month supply, delivered right to your doorstep. On our website we’ve also developed an option for customers to pick and choose —it’s our a la carte section, where I’ve designed some smaller packages for the couples that don’t want to spend the 350 dollars and take the three month investment—maybe they want to try only one month. Again, everything is very specifically designed to meet each woman’s needs. Some women may need more lubricant, or they may require more ovulation predictors. With this product, it’s designed so that every woman can make her own kit.

What kinds of feedback have you gotten from users?
I had two friends of mine—a lesbian couple—who came to me and asked me for advice. At that time, I was just launching the kit so I asked if they would be interested in trying it. Sure enough, on their first try they got pregnant. She’s over a year old now, a beautiful baby girl. Beyond this couple, I’ve had great feedback. I get a lot of details from customers who feel inclined to talk to me about their experience –some are more willing than others to give details about their situation. Beyond that, I have not gotten any negative feedback on the kit so far.

Do you have any advice for women that are trying to get pregnant but haven’t had luck yet?
I would say one of the most important things is to stay positive and try and keep your stress level at a minimum. People don’t realize the effects that stress can have, especially in a situation such as this. This can be an emotional roller coaster, and having a good support system is another key element. Obviously staying healthy is also key, but I think when it really comes down to it, the emotional component is the most important part.