Film Review: Zoe.Misplaced

Check out Zoe.Misplaced, a new low budget Aussie independent feature film

Zoe Misplaced  focuses on the everyday life of its gay female protagonist, Zoe.

The film is hyped as  the first of its kind in Australia and is approached through a lens of normality to show there is little difference between the day-to-day experiences of homosexuals and heterosexuals.

We follow Zoe, a gay 20-something, student, friend, sister, Aunt and room-mate on a journey which is highly relatable regardless of sexual orientation. Love. Sacrifice. Loyalty. Haven’t you ever lost yourself in the wondrous and beautiful concept of new love?

Writer and Director of Zoe.Misplaced, Mekelle Mills is excited about launching  her first low-budget feature film. “I want to help fill the gap that exists in the Australian film industry, even internationally for gay women  who just want to watch a movie about everyday life without the stereotypes.

“This is a film that I would like to see and any lesbian can relate to but the straight community can also watch this and get something out of it.”

Zoe.Misplaced essentially aims to reduce common stereotypes of Australia’s gay population within the national and global heterosexual community by providing insights into the gay community, particularly the normality of the lives experienced by homosexuals.