Juliet X Juliet

Help fund a lesbian fandom quarterly.


Juliet X Juliet is a quarterly lesbian magazine. It aims to keep women up to date on their favorite lesbian characters and couples as well as fan girl with their film reviews. They want to make information on lesbian and bisexual characters more accessible and spread the word on new and up coming storylines.


Over the past 10 years lesbian relationships have increased in the media and there has been many including main characters even on mainstream shows. However, it can still be hard trying to find a good lesbian film to watch or new couple to ship. Juliet X Juliet will bring you a quarterly lesbian magazine with all of that information in it—think of it as your quarterly TV/film guide.


To help make this a reality go to: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/julietxjuliet/juliet-x-juliet